What Can You Eat to Keep Bed Bugs From Biting You?

To repel bed bugs, you can eat various foods that are rich in nutrients. Bananas are great for keeping you full and can also keep bed bugs away from your bed. Tomatoes, on the other hand, contain a substance called Thiamine, which is highly despised by bugs. You can also apply tomato products directly on your bites to avoid allergic reactions and redness. Apple cider vinegar is also effective against bed bugs. It changes the smell of your skin and makes you less attractive to them.

Another way to keep bed bugs from biting you is to use chemical and natural repellents. However, this may not be enough if you’re already infested. You need to eliminate the infestation. There are several natural repellents and chemical treatments that can help you eliminate the pests.

When you travel, you should check your seat and make sure it’s free from bed bugs. Also, be wary of the seats in public transportation, as bed bugs are attracted to body heat and move to find hosts. Even a short bus ride could offer bed bugs an opportunity to attach themselves to you.

Another effective way to protect yourself from bed bugs is by using essential oils. Essential oils such as tea tree, lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus oil are excellent repellents. You should apply these oil liberally to the exposed areas of your body before going to sleep. However, do not use these essential oils directly on your face, as this can cause acne.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!