What Are Bed Bugs Related To?

If you suspect that your property is infested with bed bugs, the best thing to do is to have it inspected by a professional pest control company. Regular inspections should be performed depending on the severity of the infestation and the risk of future infestations. In addition to the inspection, you should instruct incoming visitors or patients to remove their belongings from the building and launder them at home. This will help you to reduce the spread of the bugs.

Often bed bugs hide in the seams and folds of your bed frame and mattress. Upon inspection, look for dark stains, dried excrement, and shed nymph skins. If you find any of these, you may also have bedbug eggs. If your bed is wooden, take off the fabric on the underside and examine the frame. Bedbugs also like to live in crevices, so check for these in the seams of your bed.

While most bedbugs are parasitic on birds and bats, some are non-reproductive and will bite people even when they don’t have wild hosts. Professional pest control companies can distinguish between the species and treat the appropriate way. During a full infestation, bedbugs may produce hundreds of eggs. Typically, an egg of a female bed bug is the size of a pinhead and will hatch within a week or two at room temperature. The newly emerged nymphs will shed their skin five times before reaching maturity.

The recent rise in household infestations has spurred a renewed interest in understanding the biology of these pests. It’s not surprising that bed bugs are now found in nearly every household in the world. A pristine dwelling can suffer from an infestation just as easily as a squalor-filled slum.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!