How Fast Do Bed Bugs Grow?

The lifespan of bed bugs varies based on temperature and availability of blood. Under favorable conditions, they can mature within a month and produce multiple generations in a year. This means that if you’re looking to remove an infestation, you should act as quickly as possible. However, if you’re dealing with an infestation that’s only a few weeks old, you may want to consider hiring a pest control professional.

Unlike other bugs, bed bugs don’t have wings and they spread by hitchhiking. That means they can enter your home through clothing, luggage, and other items. Once in your home, these bugs can easily move from room to room and hide in cracks. This means that any living room in your home is at risk of becoming infested.

Luckily, there are some simple ways to eliminate bed bugs and avoid future infestations. A professional pest management service will perform an on-site inspection and recommend a customized treatment plan based on your situation, home layout, and lifestyle. For instance, you should seal your mattress. This will prevent bed bugs from laying eggs in it.

A bed bug infestation can spread throughout the house in weeks. This is due to the fact that these bugs can travel from room to room and lay anywhere they can find a warm source of blood. Once they are able to find a new host, they will move throughout the house, breeding wherever they are placed.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!