How Do Bed Bugs Travel From Apartment to Apartment?

If you notice that your apartment is infested with bedbugs, you should immediately contact your landlord and your neighbors. It is also important to contact your property management company. These companies will inspect the apartment and take steps to remove the bedbugs. If they discover no evidence of bedbugs, the infestation is probably controlled. If not, you should call a professional pest control company to do a thorough inspection of your apartment.

Besides traveling in luggage, bed bugs can also get into apartments via cracks in walls and electrical outlets. In older buildings, it is even easier to get in through these spaces. Caulk can help seal gaps between walls and pipes. These holes are easy for bedbugs to enter.

The best way to prevent bedbugs from infesting your apartment is to clean it thoroughly. If you notice signs of infestation, you should immediately clean all your furniture and possessions thoroughly. Using a vacuum can also prevent bedbugs from spreading to other areas of your apartment. It is also important to empty drawers and remove any items that could harbor bedbug eggs.

You should also avoid having contact with your neighbors. It is important to check your belongings before entering your apartment and don’t leave any items outside the door. If you find any traces of bedbugs in your apartment, you should contact your property manager immediately. The most common ways for bedbugs to spread from apartment to apartment are through interconnecting pipes and cracks.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!