How Do Bed Bugs Help the Environment?

Bedbugs are a major problem because they can be hard to spot. They usually hide in or near areas where people sleep or rest, but they can easily spread to other areas when humans leave those places. Bedbug infestations are more likely in areas with a high turnover, such as dormitories, hotels, military barracks, and apartment buildings. They may also travel on people’s clothes.

Cleaning out infested areas is an essential part of the pest control process. Most people use household vacuums, but these vacuums do not reach the areas where bedbugs hide. To effectively clean out bed bugs, you should target the infested areas and do a thorough vacuuming before you apply any treatments. The best results come from scraping the vacuum wand along the perimeter edges of furniture, beds, and flooring.

You can also try sealing cracks and wrapping infested furniture and clothing. A protective cover can prevent bed bugs from escaping from their hiding places. It may take a year or more for bedbugs to die once trapped, so it’s important to do everything possible to prevent them from escaping.

In the course of their life, bedbugs can lay hundreds of eggs. Despite their small size, they can survive for several months without feeding. Cooler temperatures and limited access to a host increase their chances of survival.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!