How Cold Can Bed Bugs Get?

Whether you are wondering how cold can bed bugs get or are worried that your children or pets might be infested with these bugs, you’ve come to the right place. These insects are resistant to a variety of temperatures, including freezing temperatures. In order to kill them, you must expose them to temperatures below freezing for a minimum of three days. However, freezing your house is not recommended, as it will cause damage to the home’s structure.

Although some people may think that freezing their rooms is the best way to get rid of bed bugs, this method is not always successful. Although bed bugs are able to survive freezing temperatures, they are not dead immediately, and would need days of exposure to this temperature before they were killed. This is because they can adapt to lower temperatures and lower the freezing point of their body fluids.

While bed bugs can survive cold temperatures, their chances of surviving winter are much lower than in the summer. Insects and plants use an antifreeze-like substance to protect them from harsh weather conditions. As a result, they are less likely to travel from one place to another. Cold temperatures will also slow down their reproduction, so they will be less active in your home during the cold season.

The ideal temperature for bedbug development is about 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Bedbugs can survive in temperatures below 70 degrees, but they need to feed five times on their host in a month to become sexually mature.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!