How Do Bed Bugs Get in Carpet?

The first step in eliminating bed bugs in carpet is to clean it thoroughly. Vacuuming will remove the bed bugs and lessen the mess that the dead insects make. It’s also important to clear out clutter. These can be breeding grounds for these insects, so remove any items that can’t be easily cleaned. In addition, check behind the furniture and move large pieces out of the way.

Bedbugs don’t live deep inside the carpet; they prefer to stay close to the surface. Their flattened bodies make it easy for them to fit into crevices and cracks. Objects such as bed legs or other furniture can also harbor them. If these objects are buried deep in the carpet, bed bugs will continue to live there until they find a new host.

Because bed bugs cannot fly or jump, they must travel by crawling. However, thick plush carpet can slow them down. They can also live in couches, rugs, and office chairs. If you have thick, plush carpet, you should also check your couches and chairs to make sure that you don’t have bed bugs on those.

Bedbugs can live in carpet if they have a food source nearby. They lay their eggs in a number of places, including wood, fabric, and carpeting. Their eggs are smaller than a sesame seed and translucent, making it hard to identify them. When bedbugs find a food source in your carpet, they will likely lay their eggs there.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!