How Bad Are Bed Bugs in Indiana?

Bedbug infestations are on the rise across the United States and are beginning to invade homes, hotels, and other properties. Indiana is no exception. Recently, the state has moved up five spots on the list of the most infested cities. The first sign that bedbugs are present is the presence of bedbug bites, which are typically brown or red in color. Blood stains are also a common sign of an infestation.

The state of Indiana is one of the top five worst places in the U.S. for bedbug infestations, according to a study conducted by Orkin. The study tracked the number of detections and treatments in cities across the country. Indiana was ranked 11th in Orkin’s list last year, and has made the list for several years in a row. It is no surprise that the state has made the list in recent years, as bedbug infestations continue to grow throughout the country.

Bedbug bites will appear on the skin and are usually itchy. They may also produce a burning sensation. It is important to avoid scratching the bites, as this can result in an infection. If the bites are on the body, do not try to scratch them as this will only result in more bedbug bites and further infestation.

Although the Vector Control Division does not offer a treatment program for bedbugs, they do offer advice to businesses and the public on how to prevent them. If you have a bedbug infestation in your home, a thorough inspection is essential. Once you know the problem, you can seek treatment from a licensed professional. It may take several treatments to eliminate bedbugs completely.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!