Can You Use a Bagless Vacuum For Bed Bugs?

Before using your bagless vacuum to remove bedbugs, be sure to thoroughly inspect the area. It is important to remove any eggs and live bugs that are in the vacuum. If you notice any, you can use baby powder to kill them. Then, dispose of the bags and vacuum cleaner in the outside garbage container. Bedbugs are not killed by vacuuming alone, so be sure to use a combination of heat treatment and pesticides.

Bedbugs can survive for many months without feeding. If you are not careful, they might be able to reenter the vacuum and return later. Vacuuming should be done before the bedbugs start to move about, as this can dislodge them. Also, bedbugs are difficult to remove by vacuuming because they are coated with a cement-like material.

When vacuuming, you must use a vacuum with a high suction. This will catch bed bugs and their eggs from the carpet fibers and get rid of the infested area. The best vacuums are equipped with crevice tools and strong suction power to ensure that bedbugs are trapped and removed.

It is essential to inspect your mattress once a month or every three months. These inspections will help you identify any dirt that may be trapped within the fibers of the mattress. The dirt can cause discomfort and even health issues if it is not removed. You should also wash the mattress cover every month. Doing this will prevent bugs and mold from growing in the mattress.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!