Can You Go Places If You Have Bed Bugs?

The biggest question is “can you go places if you have bed bugs?” The short answer is “yes,” but it’s still better to avoid them. Bedbugs are not contagious, but you may pick them up from public places, clothing, and furniture. You may even have them in your luggage if you’re traveling. It’s important to treat them right away to prevent them from spreading.

The first step in preventing a bedbug infestation is to contact your landlord. Usually, they will have a program for people to follow if they think they may have bedbugs. If they’re unable to fix the problem on their own, they can call a pest control company.

If you can find the bedbugs, the second step is to clean them off. While removing them is not a difficult task, you should make sure you take proper precautions. For example, if you’re staying in a hotel room, you should avoid going out in the same room. Bedbugs prefer dark areas, and can easily hide in pockets and fabric folds. In addition to hotels and motels, bedbugs also live in used furniture outlets.

Before going out, make sure you wear clean clothes. Wearing dirty clothes is likely to spread them to other rooms. You should also avoid sitting on furniture that might be infested with bedbugs. If you can’t avoid wearing clothes, make sure to buy a new pair. If possible, purchase one with zips in the pockets, which will prevent bugs from entering the clothes and spreading.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!