Can You Get Bed Bugs From a Store?

Bedbugs are tiny insects that feed on human blood. This is why you should be careful when buying furniture from a store, because you can easily pick up bedbugs. They are especially fond of dark and insulated spaces like cardboard boxes. Often, they are carried inside of homes in shipping packages. Once inside, these pests can spread quickly to other items in the home, including your bed.

Although these infestations are rare, they are growing in frequency. In fact, a recent survey found that one in five Americans has suffered from bed bug infestation. While there is no way to prevent them from entering homes, there are several steps you can take to avoid being infected.

First, know how bed bugs reproduce. According to the Virginia Cooperative Extension, the female bed bug will lay one to seven eggs a day for 10 days following a blood meal. In total, she will lay up to 140 eggs. The bites of a bed bug may be itchy, so you should be cautious while touching it.

The second way to prevent bedbugs from entering your home is to inspect your purchases thoroughly. If you are purchasing used clothing from a thrift store, make sure that you wash it thoroughly. Although most thrift stores wash their clothes before selling them, bedbugs can sneak onto the clothing and bedding even after washing. Be especially careful when buying towels and linens, as these items have many hiding places.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!