
Why Are Flying Ants Swarming Around My Home?

During summer months, you may notice a large number of flying ants flying around your home. This is due to swarms of winged, sexually mature male and female ants leaving the colony to seek mates.

Flying ants are not dangerous, but they can be a nuisance. They are usually found in the home or around trash cans, lights and other sources of light. They are also known to seek moisture, which may have contributed to their entry into your home.

Swarms of ants are usually caused by hot and humid weather in July or August. This provides the ants with an opportunity to mate with ants from other locations, increasing the chances that they will find a mate. Swarms last for weeks or even months, making it a great social event.

Swarms can be a nuisance, but they do not always pose a greater threat than typical ants. The ants in the swarm are only interested in mating, but if they are threatened, they will bite.

You can eliminate ants in a swarm by lifting a basin of water underneath it. The ants will then drown in the suds. You can also use ant spray, which is safe for kids and pets. If you do not have ant spray on hand, boric acid powder is available online. Combine the powder with water and vinegar.

If you are experiencing swarms of flying ants, it is a good idea to call a pest management professional. A professional exterminator can locate hidden nests and inject powerful pesticides.