
Which Essential Oils Do Ants Hate?

Whether you are trying to kill ants or just keep them out of your home, there are some essential oils that you can use. They can be purchased at your local grocery store or online. They can also be made at home, using eco-friendly alternatives.

Peppermint oil and lemon eucalyptus oil are two essential oils that have been proven to kill ants. You can use these oils by placing them around your home. They have a powerful aroma that ants find unpleasant. You can also combine them with other essential oils, such as clove oil or tea tree oil.

Lemon eucalyptus oil is made from the gum eucalyptus tree, which is native to Australia. It has been found to have a chemical called p-Menthane-3,8-diol, which is considered to be a biopesticide by the EPA.

Lemon eucalyptus is also used to repel mosquitoes. It is also poisonous to pets. However, it is not poisonous to humans.

In addition to killing ants, citrus oils are also effective in deterring other pests. You can add a few drops of these oils to a spray bottle and spray around your home.

Another natural ant repellent is garlic. You can sprinkle this oil on doors, windows, or any other entry points. However, it should be placed in areas that are not used very often. This will prevent ants from coming inside and will also deter flies.

Another ant repellent that works is citrus peel. This peel contains d-limonene, a chemical that acts as an ant toxin.