
What Ants Are in the UK?

Hundreds of different ant species exist in the UK. Some are rare and others are commonly found. Knowing which species you’re dealing with is important when dealing with ant infestations. You can use this knowledge to help you control them.

The most common ants in the UK are the Pharaoh ant, Pavement ant and Ghost ant. They all live in colonies and attack by biting or spraying formic acid. These species often settle in hotels, hospitals and residential buildings. They can also be harmful to plants and other structures. They can carry bacteria that can cause diseases.

Another common ant is the Formica fusca ant. This species is common in northern England, but is also found in the south. This ant species makes nests that are smaller than average. This ant species also has a smaller number of workers than an average ant nest.

The Formica lugubris ant species is another common ant species in the UK. This species is similar to Formica rufa, but is more tolerant to shade. It also has hairs that go down in the direction of the eyes.

Other ants that are common in the UK include Lasius mixtus and Lasius niger. These ants build subterranean nests under rocks, stones or grass. These ants also live in fields and meadows. They can be seen in a variety of habitats, but usually prefer woodland or glades.

The Formica genus is one of the largest in the UK. There are about 15,000 species of ants in the world. Several of these ants have been introduced.