
I Have Ants in My House What to Do?

Whether you are having a ant infestation or you simply have a few ants around your home, there are several steps you can take to prevent and eliminate ants. You can start by making sure there are no food sources for the ants to feed on. You can also keep the house clean to avoid attracting ants.

Seal cracks and holes around your home to prevent ants from getting in. You can also close off gaps around pipes and cabling. Sealing up windows and doors can also keep ants from entering your home. You can also vacuum your floor and baseboards.

You can also use neem oil to keep ants away. You can buy neem oil at a grocery store or you can purchase it online. This oil can be mixed with water and used as a disinfectant. If you do not want to use neem oil, you can also spray a mixture of water and vinegar to get rid of ants.

Another thing you can do is seal up trash bins. This will prevent ants from finding food inside the bin.

You can also use vinegar to clean up spills. You can spray the vinegar on the surfaces and wipe them down. This will disrupt ant trails and make them look for a new source of food.

You can also use cayenne pepper to repel ants. You can sprinkle it on baseboards or around appliances. You can also use brewed coffee grounds to keep ants away.