
How to Protect Your House From Ants

Depending on the time of year, ants may enter your home for food, water, or shelter. They will usually enter your home through small gaps and cracks. Some ants will also enter through pipes or utility lines.

During warmer weather, ants will be more likely to come indoors. If you have a house with water, they will often enter your home to drink. The best way to protect your house from ants is to eliminate their food source. If you are storing sugar based products in your refrigerator, you should store them in an airtight container.

Food left in containers with sticky residue will attract ants. You should also check your kitchen for spills. If there are any, clean up the spill and place it in a sealed container. Also, be sure to remove any rotten fruits or vegetables from the refrigerator. This will prevent ants from coming in and eating your food.

In addition, you should check your doors. If you have doors that are not used often, they may have deteriorated seals that allow ants to enter. You can seal the cracks or gaps with a silicone caulk. You can also try a temporary solution, such as petroleum jelly.

During warm weather, ants will often come indoors in search of water. They will often go to the pantry and the kitchen. If you have a reliable water source, you may not need to worry about ants.

Some ants will build nests in your home. These nests can be inside wall cavities or under the flooring. The ants are usually forager ants, who go out in search of food to bring back to the colony.