How to Keep Ants Out of Your Sandbox
During the ebbing tide of the sea, a smooth 10-meter wide strip of white sand was exposed. This was a great place for an ant colony to live. The ants were attracted to the sand because it is soft and moist.
When they were at risk of drowning, they built sand structures, which acted like syphons to draw sugar water into their nests. They also built life jackets. The mounds of soil or sand around the nest entrances are a good indication of an infestation.
If you have ants in your sandbox, it’s important to get them out. Some of the best ways to do this are to fill the sandbox with fresh sand, spray the box with white vinegar, and cover it with a lid.
Adding plants around the sandbox is another way to discourage ants. Plants such as spearmint, sage, and peppermint all repel ants.
You should also make sure to replace the sand every 40 to 60 days depending on how much use your sandbox gets. During this time, you should also check your sandbox to make sure that there are no eggs left behind.
Using a tarp can also help keep ants out of your sandbox. This will keep the sand from getting soaked when raining.
If you have an extreme ant infestation, you may need to dump the sand out and start from scratch. You can use diatomaceous earth, an abrasive dust that is sold in home improvement stores. This will absorb the oils from the insect exoskeleton, drying it out.