
How to Identify and Treat Carpenter Ants

Whether you are looking to eliminate carpenter ants from your home or simply want to prevent them from entering, you will need to learn how to identify and treat carpenter ants. They are not only damaging to your home, they are also dangerous.

In order to determine whether or not your home is infested with carpenter ants, you will need to look for some clues. The first clue is to look at the wood in your home. If you see signs of carpenter ants in your home, you should consider hiring a professional exterminator to eliminate the problem.

The second clue is to look for the presence of carpenter ants nesting outdoors. Carpenter ants tend to live outdoors and build their nests in places that are near moisture. These are usually logs and hollow trees.

Carpenter ants are able to enter your home through cracks in your doors and windows. They can also enter through wood that has become damaged by moisture or mold. You can help prevent carpenter ants from entering your home by repairing any leaks in your home and replacing water damaged wood.

When ants enter your home, they will often try to nest in hollowed out trees or wood that has become soft. They can also nest in holes or cavities in wood. Carpenter ants will feed on meat, honeydew, plant nectars, and other insects. They also like sugar and grease.

If you see carpenter ants in your home, they are likely to be defending their nest. They may also be foraging for food.