
How to Get Rid of Tiny Ants in Your Kitchen

Keeping your kitchen clean is an essential step in preventing tiny ants from invading your home. Leaving food out in the open can encourage these insects to take up residence in your kitchen.

If you have small ants in your kitchen, one of the first things to do is to seal up any cracks in the wall or floor. You can also use a cotton wool ball soaked in citrus essential oils. Spray the surface with the mixture and allow it to dry for about 20 minutes.

You can also place mint plants around your home. Mint is a strong bug repellent. You can also spray the surfaces with a mixture of 20-30 drops of essential oils.

You can also try using baking soda as a natural ant bait. Sprinkle the powder in the cracks and around the ant activity. The ants will carry the mixture back to the nest. If the mixture dries out, add more baking soda.

You can also use scented oils, such as pepper powder or citrus essential oils, to prevent ants. Mix 20-30 drops of these oils with a couple cups of water and spray the surface.

Another way to get rid of tiny ants is to vacuum up any spills or crumbs. You can also keep your kitchen counters clean to help keep ants out of your kitchen.

You can also place your pet food bowls in a moat of water to prevent ants from entering the bowl. It is also a good idea to lift uneaten pet food out of the bowl and dispose of it.