
How Strong Are Bullet Ants?

Among the most fearsome of insects, Bullet Ants are a true menace. These massive insects have jaws that clamp down before they sting. The sting itself is said to be the most painful insect sting in the world.

Bullet Ants are considered to be one of the largest ant species in the world. They can reach a length of 1.2 inches. Their venom is said to cause temporary paralysis, nausea, vomiting and uncontrollable shaking.

The venom of the Bullet Ant contains a neurotoxic peptide called poneratoxin. This peptide blocks nerve signals in the central nervous system. The resulting twitching and shaking is extremely painful.

The bullet ant sting is said to be more painful than getting shot by a gun. It also ranks high on the Schmidt Pain Scale for Stinging Insects, which is a measure of pain from insect stings. The sting is said to be about 30 times more painful than a bee sting.

Bullet Ants are extremely territorial. They will fight other colonies if they think they are in danger. They prefer to stay in their nests, which are located in the ground. The queen is usually the same size as the worker ants.

Bullet Ants are found in the Amazon rainforest, in Brazil and other South American countries. Some tribes in their territory use the venom to make ant-riddled gloves. It’s also used as a medicinal agent.

Bullet Ants live for only about 90 days. They only sting if they feel threatened. If you are stung, stay away from the ant’s nest.