
How Can Ants Nest in Trees?

During the spring, winged ants begin to emerge from the nest. They are opportunistic nesters, nesting anywhere that offers them a good place to live.

Often, ants live in the hollow stems of certain plants. These plants are called ant-plants. The hollow spaces are believed to be normal plant development.

Ants can also nest in trees. They build their nests in wood, rotten wood, and other structures that have high moisture. The moisture helps them survive. Ants also build tunnels into the tree trunk.

If you notice ants around your tree, it is important to address the problem. This will prevent the ants from destroying your tree. If you are not sure what the problem is, you may want to consult a qualified arborist.

Ants have a tendency to enter buildings seeking shelter. They will enter if there is a change in weather or food sources. You may also notice rustling noises at night, especially if you have an ant infestation.

To eliminate an ant infestation, you can use a liquid insecticide. You can spray directly on the nest or on the tree trunk. You can also use ant baits to control the ants. These baits can be placed in plastic bait stations around the tree.

To protect young trees, you should apply a heavy collar made of fabric tree wrap or duct tape. You should also check the tree at least once every one to two weeks for ants.