
How Do Ants Ruin Crops?

Having ants in your garden can be a nuisance. However, ants can also have beneficial effects on your plants. They are important for the health of the soil, and for the decomposition of organic material. They also help protect aphids, a pest that can harm your garden.

Ants live in underground nests and tunnels. They move around to collect honeydew, a sticky substance that is secreted by sucking insects. They also carry it back to their nests. They protect these insects from natural predators.

There are several species of ants in the United Kingdom. Most species are beneficial insects. They provide nutrients to the soil, and also act as food for larger animals. But there are also species that are destructive.

Fire ants are a common nuisance in home vegetable gardens. They can bite people and pets, and cause a lot of damage to plants. They can also sting.

Fire ants can also damage tender transplants and stems. They are also a common cause of allergic reactions. If you see fire ants, you need to act quickly.

Ants are also a good pollinator. They pollinate garden plants, and help to disperse seeds. In eastern forests, ants disperse most violets and woodland spring wildflowers. They also disperse trout lilies.

If you have ants in your garden, you may also have aphids. Aphids are sap-sucking insects that can harm your plants. Fortunately, aphids provide an excellent food source for ants. Ants also help protect aphids from predators.