
How Do Ants Have Eyes?

During a foraging trip, ants are able to determine their surroundings with the help of their compound eyes. These eyes are comprised of thousands of microscopic lenses. This helps the ants distinguish between light and dark.

These tiny lenses are called ommatidia. Each ommatidia is a lens that focuses on a single point of the image. Combined with other ommatidia, the overall image of an ant is a mosaic of input from numerous ommatidia. This allows the ants to form a complete picture of their surroundings.

The eyes of ants differ according to their species. Some species have only one eye, while others have two. The size and shape of the eyes will also differ, depending on the species. The largest ants are able to see well, while smaller ones have a poorer vision.

Besides their eyes, ants also have an ocelli. These eyes are simple photo-receptors that provide ants with information on the light and dark around them. The ocelli are attached to the front of the compound eyes, and are essential in guiding ants. They also serve as a navigation aid.

Ants also have a subgenual organ, which is located below the knee in the tibia of all their legs. It picks up vibrations that are transmitted through solid objects. This organ is also able to detect sound. In addition to detecting light and sound, ants also have receptors for ultraviolet radiation.

Some ants have an additional simple eye in the centre of their heads. They also have antennae that are able to “fire” when a predator approaches. Ants also have chemoreceptors that are able to detect chemical responses. These chemicals are used to determine where an animal is. They also help ants locate their home.