
How Do Ants Attract Aphids?

Despite their name, ants are not attracted to aphids. However, they will carry them into the nest, where they will eat them. Ants will also protect aphids from predators, such as ladybirds. The two species have a long-standing relationship that involves mutual benefit.

One way ants attract aphids is by leaving a trail of scent markers, which contain hormones and pheromones. The scent markers warn predators that they are not allowed to eat aphids, and they also tell aphids where to move.

Ants also pick up aphids with their mandibles. The mandibles help ants carry aphids from one place to another. Ants can carry aphids 5,000 times their own weight. The ants then use their antennae to stimulate the aphids to make honeydew. This honeydew is very prized by ants.

In addition, ants will sedate aphids using their feet. The ants’ feet emit pheromones that slow down aphids’ speed. The ants use these pheromones to subdue the aphids, and the aphids can only move about a third as fast.

Another way ants attract aphids to their nest is by feeding them poisonous bait. Ants are very picky about what they keep in their nests, so ants will only keep aphids that can produce honeydew.

Ants will also select aphids that have green and red colors. Green aphids produce a nutrient-rich honeydew, which ants enjoy. They can also farm root aphids, which are less common than leaf-and-stem aphids.

Ants can be a big problem in the garden. They can cause abnormal growths on plants.