
Do Ants Have Any Benefits?

Usually, ants are annoying creatures. They tend to be territorial and will attack other animals. Their venom may have harmful effects on your health.

However, ants also have some great health benefits. They can provide your body with protein, iron, and zinc. They also help control pests. They aerate soil and fertilize plants. Some ants even protect insects that produce honeydew.

Ants are known to consume eggs and larvae of common household pests. They also transfer pollen from one plant to another.

Some ants “farm” aphids for honeydew. This allows ants to protect the aphids from predators. These species also add nutrients to the soil by feeding the aphids.

Generally, ants are not harmful to potted plants. However, they can disturb the plant’s roots. They can also damage seedlings. They may even introduce new species of plants to your garden.

Ants also help compost piles with organic material. They aerate the soil and help speed up decomposition. They can also compete with other organisms in the compost pile.

Generally, ants prefer dry soil. They will also travel a long distance to find food. They will search for dry soil when raining. They will also use a decaying foliage to fertilize the soil near a plant. They can also collect and distribute pollen when traveling.

Ants can also assist with pest control outside your home. They can reduce greenhouse gas discharges. They can also help with decompression of food. They can also aerate soil and collect dead insects.