
How Cold Can Fire Ants Survive?

During the winter, fire ants are less active. They go into a state called “diapause.” This is when they aren’t working. They aren’t moving, they aren’t eating, and they don’t make any development.

Fire ants are not a natural species, and they don’t have the genetic ability to survive a winter of extreme cold. However, they have found interesting ways to survive. The ants of the Andes have developed a higher lung capacity, and they can adapt to higher elevations. They are also able to survive extreme heat.

During the winter, the ants of tropical areas can stay active. In some cases, they may even hibernate. But ants aren’t the only species that can survive cold weather. Insects like ticks are also able to survive freezing weather. They can stay in warm, protected spots.

In a study conducted by Robert Warren, a faculty member at Buffalo State University, New York, and Amanda Lytle, a research technician at N.C. State University, ants were tested to determine how they can survive cold weather.

Fire ants were found to survive temperatures of about 16 degrees Fahrenheit. But, when temperatures reach about 50 degrees Fahrenheit, the ants slow down. They don’t work as much, and they don’t need as much energy to survive.

Fire ants that are located 12 inches below the surface haven’t experienced lethal temperatures. However, those that are located deeper within the ground aren’t as resistant.

If you live in a place that experiences a winter that is colder than average, you may be wondering how cold can fire ants survive. While fire ants may be able to survive colder temperatures, the colder the temperature, the less active they’ll be. If you live in a region that experiences colder winters, you may want to treat fire ant mounds before the winter arrives.