
How Can Ants Get Under Your Skin?

Several types of ants are found in the United States. Some are venomous and some are not. If you are allergic to ants, you should seek medical attention immediately if you feel an allergic reaction after an ant bite.

Carpenter ants are venomous and can cause a painful bite. They also leave behind fine sawdust when they build their nests.

These ants are also known for their stingers, which can hurt. When a stinger hits your skin, it can cause localized red bumps. Some people also experience pain when they get a sting from fire ants.

If you are allergic to fire ants, you can also get a painful sting. You may also experience flu-like symptoms, including fever, breathing difficulties, and racing heartbeat. You may also develop hives or diarrhea.

If you feel a strong reaction to a fire ant sting, you should seek medical attention immediately. An epinephrine injector, also known as an EpiPen, can be used to relieve the symptoms.

The most common ant bite symptoms are swelling, itching, and redness. In some cases, you may be allergic to the bite, which could cause stomach cramps, dizziness, and anaphylactic shock. The venom in an ant bite can cause pain and discomfort for several days.

Depending on the severity of the reaction, you may be able to treat an ant bite yourself at home. You can apply topical creams or antibiotic ointment. You can also use a cold compress to reduce swelling. You can also apply a bandage to keep bacteria from entering the wound.