
How Ants Care For Young

During their development, ants go through several stages – egg, larva, pupa and adult. They need food and water to survive. When food is scarce, ants need to conserve resources. They also need to keep their nest moist.

When ants find food, they carry it back to their nest. They then give it to the young ants. They also clean plant leaves to remove parasitic fungi. In addition, ants protect plants from herbivores.

During the breeding process, ants undergo a stress response. They are also a highly social species. They form a complex social structure that involves a queen and worker ants. They are also very methodical.

The queen lays all of the eggs in the colony. Workers will then tend the young ants. If there is not enough food, workers will move the colony to a new location. They will also defend the colony.

Workers are closely related to the queen. They sacrifice their own procreation to maximize the queen’s offspring.

The queen is the only type of ant in the caste that lays eggs. She stores male sperm in a pouch. She then opens the pouch to fertilize the eggs. The queen then cloisters herself in her nest for several weeks. This is a time when the queen does not feed herself. She relies on the workers to groom and feed her.

Workers build the nest and gather food. They also disperse plant seeds. They are also able to thermoregulate the nest temperature.