
Do Peonies Require Ants to Bloom?

Despite the myth, peonies do not require ants to bloom. Ants are not harmful to the plant. In fact, they are very helpful to the garden. They protect the flower organs from other harmful insects. They also feed on the sweet sugary substance secreted by the peony.

There are several methods that can be used to remove ants from peonies. The most effective method is to shake the flower. You can also dunk the buds in water to remove ants.

Plucking the buds is also an option. If you leave the buds on the plant, ants will not be able to fill the buds. Instead, they will move to broad beans. This will minimize the problem for the next year.

If you are worried about ants on the plant, you can use a garlic water spray to get rid of them. This method is also gentle. You can also spray the peonies with your garden hose.

If you do not want to use any chemicals, you can remove ants from peonies by shaking them. You can also dip them in warm tap water. You can also shake them, but this is the gentlest method.

If you do not have enough time to remove ants from the plant, you can dunk the buds in warm tap water. This will ward off ants and also help the blooming process.

You can also remove ants from peonies by rinsing them off. After rinsing them off, hold them upside down by the stem.