
Do Pavement Ants Have Wings?

Whether you have a home or just a paved area, the pavement ant may be lurking around. You might see ants in your yard searching for moisture or moisture-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, grease, meats, or leftover pet food. Pavement ants are social insects and live in underground nests.

Pavement ants are usually about 1/8 inch long. They have a pale color and have two parallel ridges on the back of the thorax. They also have a pair of nodes on the front of their abdomen.

Pavement ants have a cluster of hairs on the end of their abdomen. Their stingers are very small, and do not harm humans. They also carry a pheromone that helps them find food.

Pavement ants live in colonies that may include more than one queen and up to ten thousand workers. Colonies may also have more than one egg layer. These colonies are called polygyne colonies because they can grow quickly.

Pavement ants can enter your home through holes in concrete, floorboards, or foundations. They may also live under insulation or vaults. Pavement ants feed on meat, fruits, and honeydew from aphids. They are also attracted to sweets and grease.

The pavement ant is a species of ant that was first introduced into the United States in the 1700s. Although it has been introduced to most parts of the world, it is not native to the US.

Winged pavement ants are typically larger than worker ants. They appear in late spring and fly out of the colony to mate. After mating, their wings fall off.