
Do I Need to Worry About Carpenter Ants in My Home?

Whether you need to worry about carpenter ants in your home depends on the level of infestation. In most cases, they are not as damaging to your property as termites. However, they can cause structural damage that can take years to repair.

Carpenter ants are nocturnal insects, meaning that you will notice their presence more during the night. They can enter your home through small cracks in the foundation or through branches or pipes. They also tend to invade the kitchen and pantry.

Unlike termites, carpenter ants don’t eat wood, but instead chew through it and leave behind shavings. They prefer damp, decaying wood. If you are concerned about carpenter ants in your home, contact a professional exterminator.

If you are trying to get rid of carpenter ants, you may find that you need to make multiple treatments. The first step is to locate the nest. This can be done by following ants or by detecting a rustling sound in a wall. The next step is to drill holes into the wood to expose the nest.

Then, you can kill the ants inside by using a dust or aerosol insecticide. You may also need to seal cracks in your home.

You may also want to apply a wood preservative to the decaying wood. This will prevent carpenter ants from establishing new nests. In addition, you can vacuum flying ants out of the nest.

It is also a good idea to keep food in airtight containers. You can also try essential oils to disrupt carpenter ants’ scent trails.