
Are Ants Good For the Garden UK?

Whether you like it or not, ants are a major nuisance in the garden. They can damage plants, and in the summer months, can even bite. Thankfully, there are many ways to get rid of ants. This article will discuss some of the ways you can kill ants without using dangerous chemicals.

The common garden ant is one of the most common insects to be found in the garden. These insects are small, reddish brown in color, and commonly seen in lawns, under stones, and in soil. They can be quite venomous in warmer climates, and can also cause painful bites.

Some ants also act as accidental pollinators. They will carry pollen and bi-products of other pests to plants, and will even help them produce honeydew.

Another good thing about ants is their contribution to soil health. They help to aerate the soil, allowing moisture to reach plant roots. They also help to fertilize plants. They also help speed up the decomposition process of decaying plant matter.

A fire ant is another major nuisance in the garden. They can cause painful bites and also cause damage to plants. They are also difficult to get rid of. They can also cause allergic reactions.

To get rid of ants naturally, try using ant repellents or ant traps. You can also encourage insectivorous birds in your garden to keep the ant population under control.

If you prefer a more organic approach, you can use nematodes. These microscopic worms have a parasitic effect on specific insects, including ants. You can find nematode paste at your local garden store. You just need to be careful not to let them fall into the soil. Eventually, they will kill the ant.