
Which Wasps Are Pollinators?

Several different kinds of wasps are important pollinators. They control insect pests that damage crops. Some of these wasps are predators, while others are parasites. They also eat insects.

Social wasps live in colonies with a queen. Each colony consists of many workers. The queen changes the dietary needs of the larvae to carbohydrates. Some of the wasps feed on meat, but others eat honey. Depending on the type of colony, the wasps eat a wide variety of insects.

Some wasps specialize in pollinating a particular flower. These wasps are known as pollen wasps. Pollen wasps gather nectar and pollen from the flowers. They then store the pollen inside their bodies. These wasps are more efficient pollinators than bees.

Most wasps can see ultraviolet light. Some wasps have short tongues and mouthparts. They also have sparse hair. They have a pointed lower abdomen. They have smaller eyes on the sides of their head. They have short waists. Some wasps are docile, while others are aggressive.

The wasps are part of the Order Hymenoptera. The Order contains the primary pollinators of the world. Some wasps are highly efficient pollinators, while others are more suited to pollinating plants with fuzzy hairs. In some cases, wasps are useful in habitats without bees.

The social wasps are considered to be natural pest controllers. Their colonies contain up to 5,000 wasps. They aggressively defend their nest. They will sting several times and will not lose their stinger.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!