
How to Get Rid of Wasps in a Brick House

Getting rid of wasps in your home can be difficult. If you live in a house with a brick exterior, you might want to consider sealing the openings.

Wasps are known to chew through wood and brick, which is why it is important to seal openings. Wasps are able to fit through holes as small as 3/32 of an inch.

If you have been hearing buzzing sounds inside your home, you may have wasps in your wall cavity. Wasps use drywall as insulation, and they will chew through drywall to get to the inside of your wall.

Wasps have a strong sting that is painful and may harm people who are allergic to venom. However, it is a fairly harmless sting that will only hurt for a short time. If you have been stung by a wasp, be sure to seek medical attention immediately.

Wasps are usually solitary wasps, but they can become aggressive if their nest is disturbed. They will attack in large numbers when the nest is in danger.

If you notice wasps in your wall cavity, you should use a pesticide applicator to treat the area. Make sure that the area is big enough for the pesticide to be applied. Also, seal the area with caulk to prevent wasps from getting out of the wall.

You can also use a dust formulation to kill all the wasps in one shot. This is usually in powder form, and you should apply it over all the openings. However, if you are unable to apply it yourself, you may need to hire a professional to do the job for you.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!