
Where Do Wasps Go During the Winter?

During winter, wasps are in a state of torpor. They are asleep, awaiting the arrival of spring. When the spring comes, wasps begin their search for a new home. The queen then builds a nest, laying eggs for the future generation of wasps.

Several species of wasps hibernate underground. Other wasp species, such as yellow jackets, prefer to nest near other wasps.

Wasps can be found nesting in ceilings, basements, attics and wall voids. They may also hide in leaf litter and woodpiles.

One common question is, where do wasps go during the winter? Most werep colonies do not survive the cold months. While a few queens may survive, the majority of wasps die off during the first frost of the season.

The most common wasps to be found in the United States are paper wasps. These wereps get their name from the paper-like nest material they use. They are very docile, but will sting if disturbed. They also have a distinctive stinger.

Other wasps, such as yellow jackets, can be aggressive. These species eat mostly insects, supplementing their diet with tree sap and windfall fruit. If you see a wasp nest in your home, you should have it professionally cleaned out as soon as possible.

One of the best ways to protect yourself from wasps is to install screens, weather stripping and door sweeps. Also, make sure that your doors and windows are closed. Wasps can squeeze through screens and door gaps.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!