
How Large Are Wasps?

Unlike bees, wasps have less hair, and their C-shaped eyes are reddish brown. They also have a pointed sting that can be painful.

The wasps can be divided into three categories, according to the number of females per colony. In general, females tend to be larger than males. The Queen is the leader of a colony, and she is skilful in building a nest. The queen is usually larger than the male. Female wasps may build many nests, but they rarely reuse them.

The largest wasp in the United States is Pygodasis ephippium. This species can grow to about three quarters of an inch. A typical mature colony contains about 20 to 75 adults. These wasps build small comb nests. They feed on insects and other small animals. These nests are usually open at the bottom. They hang from shrubs, trees, or eaves.

The females of Vespidae species leave their nests to mate. This causes the colony to grow rapidly. The queen is also responsible for the production of future reproductive females. The nest can be quite large, as individual tunnels can be over 100 in length.

In addition to being a pollinator, wasps are important ecologically. They help to reduce populations of insects and other invasive species. Their stings are painful, but are not dangerous to humans. Many wasp species also capture other insects. The larvae help to develop the queen’s nest. The adult workers feed the larvae.

There are also large solitary wasps, like the Cicada Killer Wasp. The specimens range from 0.6 to two inches in length. Their wings are orange to brown. They have yellow antennae and a yellow-and-black striped back segment.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!