
Where Are Wasps Getting In My House?

Having wasps in your home is not a pleasant experience. If you are wondering where they are getting in, keep in mind that they can enter your house in a number of ways. These include through windows, doors, vents and exhaust systems. They can also enter through open trash bins.

Wasps have a tendency to be aggressive, so it is important to take steps to rid your home of these nuisances. You may want to consider hiring a professional to handle the task. You may also want to consider using a wasp trap.

The best way to find out where they are getting in is to look for their nest. Wasps build nests in places that provide easy access to the outside. These nests are commonly found in places like the eaves of your roof or near your house’s entryway. They may also be found in places like garage beams, trees and even inside your home.

Wasps can also get into your home through open windows. You may want to check your windows for gaps in the glass or a screen that has a broken sash. If you find any of these, you may want to put a screen on the window to prevent wasps from getting in.

Wasps may also enter your home through open attic vents. If you have a vented attic, you can prevent wasps from entering by using silicone caulk to seal the vent. You may also want to consider installing a small piece of screening between the flap and the vent.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!