
Why Are Wasps Important to the Ecosystem?

Whether or not you like wasps, they play a very important role in the environment. They are generalist pollinators, as well as important predators of other insects. Wasps also help to control pest populations and decompose biomass, giving us important ecosystem services.

While bees are the most important pollinators, wasps play an important role as well. Wasps can pollinate thousands of species of figs. Without wasps, figs would not develop. In fact, wasps are the only pollinators of several hundred species of endemic orchids.

Wasps can be found all over the world, with over 33,000 species living in every country in the world. They hunt a wide range of insects, from white flies to cabbage loopers. They also serve a valuable role as generalist pollinators, transporting pollen between flowers.

Wasps are also a significant source of pest control, especially parasitic wasps. These wasps drill through wood, bark, and stems to inject their eggs into the host insect. They also provide homes for beneficial insects and help protect crops from parasitic insects.

While wasps are not viewed favorably, they deserve the same kind of public support that honeybees and other pollinators receive. Scientists are currently working to understand wasps better and learn how to stop people from swatting them. These scientists are also seeking help from the public to help them develop a way to avoid swatting wasps.

There are over 30,000 known wasp species, all of which have a distinct role in the ecosystem. Many werep species are parasitic, while others are predators or pollinators.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!