
What to Wasps Do

Often seen as a pest, wasps have a variety of interesting lives. They feed on insects, pollinate flowers and plants, clean rotting flesh, and provide natural pest control. However, they are also a source of pain and can sting.

Wasps are attracted to sugary foods, such as fruit, honeydew from homopterous insects and nectar from flowers. Their stinging ability can cause an allergic reaction, so it is important to keep them away.

They are predators of insect pests, including aphids, caterpillars and crickets. Their mandibles can chew through insect nets in minutes. Wasps can also transport large amounts of pollen.

While wasps can sting, most species do not bother humans. There are also parasitic wasps that kill pest invertebrates in a different way.

When female wasps are ready to hibernate, they must find a place where they can live without predators. They can’t survive in the open without a nest.

In addition, wasps can sting when they press against your skin. To avoid this, keep your hands and feet covered when you are outside. Also, don’t stay in one spot for long. Wear long pants and shoes and don’t wear perfumes. If you’re allergic, you should avoid getting stung, but you may want to carry a bee sting kit.

Most species of wasps lay their eggs inside other insects. Their venom contains a compound called mastoparan, which is known to target cancerous cells. They also produce sugary trophallactic secretions to supplement their food source.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!