
How Do Wasps Build Nests Underground?

Generally speaking, most wasps build their nests underground, though there are some species that will build them in the air. Some of these species can be found in trees, while others prefer to build their nests in buildings.

The best way to control a wasp nest is to hire a professional pest control service. They will use a properly labelled insecticide to get rid of the wasps.

The paper wasp is a type of wasp that builds a nest that looks like an umbrella. They usually build their nests in eaves, attics, and under porches. They are also common in wall voids.

The bald-faced hornet is another type of wasp that builds nests in the ground. These nests are made of chewed wood fibers mixed with saliva. They are a little bit more aggressive than the paper wasp, but are still quite manageable.

Another type of wasp that builds a nest is the mud dauber. They are a bit more aggressive than the paper wasp, and will attack you if you get too close. They build their nests in damp soil or cracks in the ground. They are also very protective of their nest, and will run away if someone attacks them.

The German Wasp is another species that builds a nest underground. It can be very large, and is often found in the soil. It is also a social wasp, meaning that it will build its nest anywhere. The nest is quite large, but the queen is only responsible for part of the job. The workers will take over once the females reach adulthood.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!