
What Temperature is Too Hot For Wasps?

Despite their names, wasps are cold-blooded arachnids. They make use of their environment and external influences to regulate their body temperature. This is not to say that they cannot handle extreme weather conditions. But when temperatures rise, the activity of wasps increases. They may even sting unprovoked.

Wasps are active in the early hours of the morning and late in the afternoon. They tend to return to their nests after the sun has set. This is because they need to procure food and water for the nest. They also release chemical pheromones to alert other wasps of a swarm.

They also make use of the sun to regulate their body temperature. Depending on the location, their nest can get as warm as 45.8 degrees Celsius.

When the temperature is too hot for wasps, they may even abandon their nests. This is because the environment changes and the nest cannot be maintained. It also means that wasps will have to fend for themselves.

Wasps can survive cold weather but their metabolism and development will slow down. They do not survive very long in cold conditions. This is because they are not able to produce enough energy.

They also tend to be more intrusive and disruptive when they are warm. They can sting multiple times without losing their stingers. However, they rarely sting without a reason.

Wasps are also good pollinators. Their venom is designed to paralyze prey. When they sting, they plunge the venom into their target.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!