
What Size Are Queen Wasps?

Depending on the species, queen wasps can range from one and a half inches to over two inches. They can be found in gardens, meadows and parks. Their stings can be painful for those with stinging insect allergies.

There are more than 5,000 species of wasps. Each has a unique appearance, and they all share a number of traits. The queen wasp is the largest of these wasps, and can be easily identified by its size. The wasp has a triangle shaped head, narrow waist, pointed lower abdomen, and a stinger. It can be up to twice the size of the worker wasp.

The queen wasp is the most important insect in the colony. She is the leader and also lays eggs. These eggs turn into fertile females, which are then reborn as queens the following year. When the queen is ready, she will leave the nest to seek a mate. During this time, she lays about 300 eggs a day.

The queen wasp can live up to two years. She is skilful at building a nest. She gathers nest building materials including chewed wood, saliva, and wax. It takes about seven days for a wasp larva to develop into an adult. It is then fed carbohydrates from flower nectars and fruit.

Queen wasps are generally only found in the autumn and winter. They can be spotted in gardens, parks, and woodland. They are also known to build nests inside garden sheds.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!