
How to Get Rid of Wasps Nests in Trees

During the summer, some species of wasps build nests in trees. While some wasps are beneficial as pollinators, others are aggressive. As such, they are unwelcome in homes. These insects are capable of stinging humans. However, their bites are painful and usually do not cause health problems.

To determine if a tree is infested with wasps, you can first see the nest. Wasps build their nests on the branches of trees and inside lofts and sheds. These nests are made of wood pulp and are tapered at the bottom. Identifying a nest is easiest by looking at the flight patterns of the wasps.

There are several types of wasps that build nests in hollow trees. Several types of wasps are aggressive and will kill other pest species. However, others are docile and will tolerate humans.

The nests of wasps can be small, about the size of a soccer ball, or they can be large, up to 14 inches in diameter. The nests are made of different materials including weathered wood, cardboard, and dead plants. The nests are shaped like a pear, and have an entrance hole at the bottom.

To get rid of a wasp nest, you can use chemical control, physical control, or both. Chemical control involves using a chemical spray to kill the wasps. You can also use a disposable paper cup to sprinkle Sevin 5 Garden Dust into the nest opening.

You should wear safety goggles, gloves, and thick clothing to protect yourself from the chemical spray. You can also break the nest apart with a long-handled tool.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!