
How Can You Get Wasps in November?

During the winter, you may see wasps in your home or garden. These insects can be a nuisance and they can cause health problems, too. Wasps are social insects and live in colonies with thousands of other wasps. They are attracted to light and they also eat insects and fruit.

Most wasps die from starvation or cold. The best way to avoid them is to seal all entry points. You can also use outside preventative treatments from licensed pest control professionals. These treatments include using steel wool and silicone based caulk.

In the spring, wasps begin building nests. The queen lays about 10 to 20 eggs. These are then fertilized. The young queen feeds the larvae that emerge. In early summer, the adult workers also use the nectar from flowers to feed the larvae.

When the temperatures start to drop in the autumn, the worker wasps begin to die. The male workers also die off along with the queen.

As the days become shorter, artificial light becomes a big draw. This makes it harder for wasps to fly. They are also more active and hungry. The lower temperatures also cause a shift in wasp metabolisms. This is why many of them die in the early cold spell.

During the autumn and winter, queen wasps hibernate. They will emerge from their nests in the spring. The new queens will be on scout for a new nest. The females may choose a shed or wall void.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!