
Did You Know Wasps Have Predators?

Whether you think wasps are predators or preys, you might be surprised to find out that many animals actually eat wasps. There are many different kinds of predators, from birds to animals like bears and salamanders. These predators don’t even care that wasps sting. They just like to eat them.

Some birds eat wasps in the wild, while others will purposefully hunt them down. The bluebird, sparrow, wren, and blackbird are some of the more common birds that will eat wasps. Other types of birds that will eat wasps include magpies and chipping sparrows.

Another common predator of wasps is the mud dauber wasp. This is a common predator of spiders in North America. They paralyze their prey and then place the paralyzed spider in the mud cell in their nest.

Other predators of wasps include the robber fly, a stinging insect that can inject venom mid-air. There are many species of bats that also eat wasps.

During reproduction, the intensity of the wasp nest entrance attacks was higher. This means that they attack the nest more often when they are rearing their young.

During the summer, the mud dauber wasp is a common predator of spiders in the United States. The mud dauber wasp will sting the spider and then place the spider in the mud cell of the wasp nest.

Some of the predators of wasps, like the robber fly, are assassin flies. This type of insect will inject venom mid-air, which paralyzes its prey.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!