
How Many Wasps Are There in the World?

During summer time, wasps pollinate flowers and feed on nectar. They can be found in abundance all over the world. There are over 30,000 different species. They are members of the insect family, Vespidae.

The average life span of an adult wasp is about 12 months. The queen wasp can live for one year. She builds a nest in the spring. The nest consists of a paperlike structure made of chewed dry plant material. The queen lays eggs in the nest. Other females may join the queen to help take care of the young.

The average life span of a worker wasp is about 12 days. They collect food from webs or other sources and bring it to the queen. They also feed the larvae. After the larvae hatch, the workers no longer have larval secretions to feed on. The larvae regurgitate sugary liquids.

There are dozens of different types of wasps. They come in different colors and sizes. Some are large and furry. Others are small and slender. They usually have a sting, but the sting is usually not fatal.

These insects are also parasitic. They feed on other insects, which can include wasps and bees. The nests are usually located in hollow trees, rotting logs, or hung from branches. These insects aren’t cute, but they do an important job.

They also collect water during hot weather. They also swarm in the early spring and fall. They can sometimes build a nest under a roof eaves or in a barn.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!