
How Long Do Cicada Killer Wasps Live?

Those that want to know how long do cicada killer wasps live will be glad to know that the adults usually die within a few months. However, the wasps do live on for up to eleven or thirteen months in the wild.

Cicada killer wasps are solitary wasps that live in burrows. They dig tunnels beneath the ground, usually about a foot deep. The nesting tunnels are arranged in a U-shaped pattern, with a U-shaped collar around the opening. The nesting tunnels may contain several dozen cells. In addition to the nesting tunnel, the female wasp may dig secondary tunnels that can house up to sixteen larvae.

Cicada killer wasps feed on cicadas and other insects. The larvae are grub-like and spin a silk cocoon. They live in the cocoon through the winter. They pupate and emerge as adults in the summer. The adults feed on nectar and plant exudates.

In the spring, cicada killer wasps dig nests in the ground. These nests are usually in sandy soils. The wasps may also dig in lawns or flowerbeds. These nests are not protected by the cicada killer wasp. If you live in a cicada killer wasp’s habitat, it is important to monitor the area for signs of their presence.

Cicada killer wasps are relatively harmless, but they do have a strong territorial drive. Males and females will aggressively compete for territory, and can chase away animals that might be near their nesting site.

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