How Do Wasps Come Back Every Year?
During the winter months, wasps spend a lot of time in hibernation. The queens of the wasp colonies are in deep sleep, and the males and females are preparing for the upcoming spring. When the first warm days of spring come, they start searching for a new place to live. They may find a sheltered place to hibernate in, or they may find a place in a warm, dry place.
Queen wasps start to emerge from hibernation early in the spring, and begin searching for a new place to nest. If they find a place they’re happy with, they’ll start laying eggs. These eggs will develop into young wasps.
After the queen has laid eggs, the males and females are no longer needed. The workers begin to build the nest. The nest is about the size of a golf ball. It is built out of paper-like material.
The wasps gather together around the nest, gathering food and materials for the nest. If the nest is destroyed by a natural disaster, a human or an enemy, they may rebuild in the same location.
The wasps may also start building a new nest in another location. This will help ensure that the species continues. If the nest is destroyed, the queen will not survive.
During the winter months, wasps begin to starve. As a result, many will die. They may also carry germs. This can be a nuisance.
Wasps are aggressive insects, and can be very painful if they sting you. The CDC has recorded 62 deaths from wasp stings in the United States in the last few years. They can be dangerous for hypersensitive people.