
Do Paper Wasps Cause Damage to Buildings?

Unlike other wasps, paper wasps do not have a barb on their stinger. They sting when they sense danger. Their sting is very painful and can cause an allergic reaction. These stings can also be repeated.

Paper wasps nest on buildings, trees, and shrubs. The nests are built from plant fibers and saliva. The nests grow rapidly through the summer and fall, then degrade in the winter. Paper wasps do not sting humans unless they are in close proximity to the nest. The nests do not cause structural damage to buildings. However, the nests may irritate people with allergies to stinging insects.

Paper wasps are social insects. They live in colonies that include several dozens of wasps. These wasps often nest in trees near houses, on the top of buildings, and on transmission towers. They can enter your home through windows, doors, and crevices. They are also highly aggressive. If you have a paper wasp nest, you should take measures to eliminate it.

A paper wasp’s nest will usually have one entrance hole. The nest will grow to around eight inches in diameter. The nest will be abandoned when winter arrives.

When the weather begins to warm, paper wasps begin to gesticulate for dominance. This may lead to a large swarm. The nest is then abandoned and the colony dies off. A typical mature paper wasp colony contains twenty to seventy-five adults.

The paper wasp’s sting is painful and can cause an allergic reaction. The sting is only delivered when the nest is threatened.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

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