
Did Wasps Cause Structural Damage to Your Home?

Having a wasp nest in your home is not only annoying but it can cause structural damage as well. Wasps chew through many different surfaces and materials, including wood, to construct their nests. In addition, their stingers can cause serious discomfort and illness.

Wasps do not usually cause damage to your home unless they construct nests inside the walls. However, the nests can create problems when they become damp. This dampness can weaken the structural integrity of the wall structures, making them more susceptible to rot.

Wasps can enter your home through holes in the roof, weather worn shingles, and through wall voids. They can also enter through plaster gaps. Depending on the size of the nest, it may be difficult to completely eliminate them. The best way to remove a wasp nest is to seal the entry holes. If the nest is small, it can be removed with a brush and a garbage bag. However, a large nest can cause more damage.

Paper wasps often establish nests in attics or small discreet corner locations. These wereps usually do not cause a problem but they should be removed from your home. Similarly, bald-faced hornets and Yellow Jackets will create above ground nests in shrubbery and trees.

While these wasps are not as destructive as other pests, their presence can be alarming. They may sting you or your pets and they can cause structural damage. They may chew through wires, plastic tubes, wood, and many other materials, weakening the structure of your home.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!